Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Only Sisters Can . . .

. . .dance and sing down the street without caring what people think.

. . .drink juice out of martini glasses and have more fun than you at the bar. ha.

. . .watch 5 movies in one day and still feel alive.

. . . shop for hours, and get nothing accomplished. . . or the opposite, get WAY too much accomplished.

. . .talk in strange voices, and make unintelligible sounds and still understand each other.

. . . laugh till they snort. and then continue to do it because its funny.

. . . share the same clothes. the same makeup. the same room. the same food. (and still love each other 20 years later)

. . .only sisters can love each other like we do.


~Nanc. said...

You two are truly blessed!

Anonymous said...

I am blessed too!!! :) I am one blessed mama to have two beautiful daughters to watch be sisters!!! I had three sisters and no such relationship that even comes close!!! Bet you can't believe that!! :)


Anonymous said...

amen, baby sister, amen. :)
i don't have a relationship with anyone else like i do with you - no one else can tolerate my silliness - or maybe understand it. :)
i love you more than you know.