Thursday, November 29, 2007

differently the same

I'm not married. nor do i have cute kids to brag about.
i'm not in the middle of buying or renovating my house, or even on an exciting adventure in a foreign country.

that pretty much eliminates all blogging topics it seems . . . so what am i to write about?

well i am here to say that i am going to REVOLUTIONIZE the ordinary blog. thats right. don't be afraid of something great . . . because it is going to be great.

i have always loved to write. i suppose that is one of the reasons in why i want to keep this blog. but more than that - i desire to share of myself in a way that encourages . . . challenges . . . and maybe even amuses. but lets me honest - usually when i write, i tend to aim more towards spiritual or serious topics, what the Lord is teaching me today. its what i love to write about most . . . maybe because my life isn't very exciting, but i think it is more so just because that's where my heart really is.

so that brings me to the name of my blog. i don't think i have ever explained its meaning to anyone - and i thought you might be interested. because it defines what this blog is all about. over the years i have gone from thinking that I am the only one who seems to be messing up, who seems to never quite get it . . . to realizing just how similar we all can be. especially in our walk with God. we desire to do good - but we can't.

i was out for a walk with a friend last night, and he shared with me this exact thing. he's tired of always coming to God apologizing for not doing better - not praying more, or listening more, or studying more. and frustrated that he's not growing, not getting anywhere. sound familiar?

i know that i feel that way often enough. and if we're honest, we'll realize we're quite alike. its just our stupid pride that gets in the way of admitting it.

so here i am. an ordinary girl.
with an ordinary job. living in an ordinary town. facing ordinary things on an ordinary day.

however, i'm in love with an extraordinary God. there are so many things i don't understand about Him, things i struggle with, things that come easily, things i run from, things i run to, and things my pride just won't admit. i have days where i am at peace, days where i feel lost. there are days where i want to shout with excitement, and days i would much rather hide under my bed. sound familiar?


Anonymous said...

I loved your blog!!! You are so not "just ordinary" - you're a child of God and that makes oyu extraordinary!! :) I sure think so! :) I love where your heart is - keep writing!!! LOVE YOU!!

Anonymous said...

sounds totally familiar.
i know everyone says it, but you are definitaly a gifted blogger. i learn a lot from you when you write.
i love who you are!