Sunday, September 23, 2007

worn paths

i have been feeling so far from the Lord lately, struggling to find some peace in the changes that have been happening in my life. I have felt burdened by the obligations I have as a follower of Jesus Christ, and feeling frustrated with myself for even thinking this way.

when i am feeling like this, i tend to just block it out. turn the music up loud. lose myself in a book. keep busy.
but i know thats not healthy - these feelings have to be faced. wrestled with. and conquered.

i have to force myself to simply be quiet, and listen for Him. allowing His truths, and His love to bring my heart back to a place of undertanding and joy.

so tonight i did just that. i went for a walk to my favorite little island, its beautiful and so peaceful. as i walked through the park to get there, God showed me something. (don't you just love that . . . God is so personal, and ready to show us a piece of Himself in everything we do) i looked around and noticed all the different paths. there was the set path, made of concrete slabs, which took a bit of a round about route to the island . . . but then there were the worn down paths that people had made as they tramped through the grass. i smiled on the inside thinking to myself, how funny it is that people just can't seem to follow the right path. we want to go our own way, a way we think is faster, or better - we want to determine where we are going and how we get there.

parallel this to our walk with Jesus.

He has set the path out before us. it may seem round-a-bout at times, and the things we go through may seem like a waste of time. we wonder why we can't just go straight to the destination, take a short cut . . . but oh, the things He wants to show you on that path. . to make your own path, or even to follow in the footsteps of another . . . you will miss so much of what the Lord has died to show you.

i've kind of been on my own path these past couple weeks. and it can be exciting creating your own - you feel adventuresome, and independent. but before you know it, you've taken a wrong turn, hit a dip in the road that you didn't expect . . . and you wonder why you thought this was a good idea in the first place.

i was so thankful for the Lord's gentle reminder tonight . . . many may take those worn paths, but they lead to destruction (Mt.7:13) He has set out the path for us already. the hard work is already done. it is simply our job to keep taking those steps forward trusting His guidance . . . and when we can't even do that, to allow Him to carry us.


Will said...


How true. Its simply our job to follow, yet for some reason, it seems to be such a difficult task. It always seems easier to follow our own way, until it goes all wrong. I'm glad to hear that God showed you a tangible thing to illustrate this when you needed to see it. It is amazing for sure how he does that if we let him. I hope that he continues to show you his path.

Anonymous said...

this is one of the best analogies i've heard in awhile... or mayeb just because it is where i seem to be right now too. you have a gift for noticing things, lor. wanna come live with me?? :)