Tuesday, January 15, 2008

- s t a r v e d -

i love food. (who doesn't?)

there is nothing more exciting to me than going to my parents house for a FULL meal. not the miscellaneous items i am used to eating at my house . . . or the meat that i overcooked (by two hours) and the pasta that i undercooked (i was hungry ok?). i haven't quite figured this out yet. I have never been a picky eater, but I have come to appreciate good food more than ever.

i love a good bowl of chili after a day out in the rain.
or sweet crepes when i wake up on a lazy Saturday.
trail mix to pick through to suit my mood.
and then a handful of cookies from mama's kitchen.
fresh fruit and veggies to ease my guilt.
oh and bread bread bread. how i love thee in all your airy goodness.
not to mention my west coast favorite : sushi and bubble tea.

i love food. i need food. i want food.

when i wake up, i think of what i will eat for breakfast. as soon as breakfast is done, i am thinking about what to pack for lunch. after packing lunch, i think "maybe i need a snack before lunch" . . . and "after lunch". as soon as my afternoon snack is done . . . i wonder what i have at home for dinner. oh and dessert. and bedtime snack. food food food all day.

. . . someone brought a wonderful thought to me last week.

if only we paid so much attention to our spiritual food.
do you think about Him when you wake up? while you work?

do you crave Him?
do you love Him, need Him, want Him?

please . . . don't starve yourself. the food has been laid out before you. before me.
dig in.


Jen said...

I never knew you blogged!

Great post Lori! I loved it at first because I too love "food" in the traditional sense and you made me hungry. Turned out to be a great lesson. :)

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I've tried the liquid Floradix and I can't bring myself to drink something so disgusting. haha. I'm a wuss. Anyway- my naturopath got me on a capsule iron supplement and it's been great so far too. No side effects and it's not loaded with fillers. Thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...

i like it.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff. I am reminded this week, as the folks are gone, how poorly I take care of my self foodwise (physical food) when I am busy and don't have endless time to spend on cooking. but why do I worry about that instead of how poorly I also take care of myself foodwise (spiritual food)?

Anonymous said...

Good stuff. I am reminded this week, as the folks are gone, how poorly I take care of my self foodwise (physical food) when I am busy and don't have endless time to spend on cooking. but why do I worry about that instead of how poorly I also take care of myself foodwise (spiritual food)?