Monday, January 08, 2007

i'm leaving in a minivan

"i'm leaving in, in a minivan. don't know when i'll be back again"
well the time has come . . . and in a few short minutes i will be heading back to thetis island . . . back to my cramped cottage, early mornings, late nights, predictable meals, and dear friendships. i have missed it incredibly so, and it makes me wonder how i am going to leave for good in May.
i turned 19 yesterday . . . in some ways, i don't feel that old yet. in other ways . . . i feel way beyond those years. i'll have to explain later. i've been thinking about what i learned in 2006, as well as my 18th year . . . and i'll have to post the list when i finished.
until then, dear friends - pray for me.
these past couple of months have been so challenging for me - as much as i love it, it is so draining and demanding. what i have been learning effects the rest of my life - the very way that i live. and there is so much to sort through, so much to pray about, so many decisions to make. so please . . . whenever you think of me, send up a short prayer for me - that my eyes would be WIDE OPEN to what God wants to show me, and my ears WIDE open to what God wants to say to me, and my heart WIDE open to what God wants to do in me. (thanks papa :D)
i love you all . . . call me sometime, email me, send me packages :)
Box 1-10
Thetis Island, BC
V0R 2Y0
and . . . i can't remember my phone number. but some of you know it already :)


Anonymous said...

welcome back to your little cottage, babycakes.

p.s christa is ENGAGED!!! (phew) :)

Anonymous said...

I'm prayin' for you today!