so, i work at a marina (the picture is of the marina i work at, van isle marina) pretty cool job. i get to be outside, surrounded by water - and i have come to love boats so much. there is so much to know about them, and i find it all so interesting. those huge power boats are nice . . . but i think it kind of eliminates the adventure of boating. they are just like condos on the water.
i love sailboats.
one day, i hope that i can own a sailboat . . . maybe live on it for a few months.
at work i get to wear this "classy" uniform . . . a blue polo. mmhm, you all want one. we have to wear khakis bottoms, white socks, and runners. OH and we have to tuck our shirts into our pants. i haven't done that since i was about 6 - but now i am getting so used to it, i find myself doing it on my days off. now, on the fuel dock - i help pull in the boats and tie them up. the dock is made of cement . . . the real gritty
tying in boats, pulling fuel hoses, moving oil barrels . . . all these things have worked together to give me some big guns. i kid you not. you better watch out.
last night was an intersting at the marina . . . it was saturday night, so we had alot of our usual drunk customers coming in and entertaining us (one being the boss's son haha) . . . but we had alot of our own adventures. i was working the closing shift with another guy, Adrian. it was around 8, a half hour before close time, when we heard someone yell out "hey your boat is floating away" . . . we look to the end of the dock, and our work boat is already about 5 feet off the dock. Adrian sprints across the dock, shedding clothes along the way (eek) and dives into the water (brrr) rescuing our boat, while i stand there not knowing what to do haha. well, we have our boat, and thats all that matters. poor Adrian. we closed on time, which rarely happens, and headed up to the office to shut everything down for the night. when we got into the office there was this weird alarm going off . . . not the building alarm but another alarm. we followed the sound and came to the fuel level moniter. we had just gotten a fuel delivery that evening, and there was an overfill warning! eek. so we called our manager, and spent the next hour triapsing around the property, finding tools, opening panels and fiddling with breakers . . . it was kind of exciting. having fun, and getting paid for it. we were finally able to silence the alarm . . . but there was nothing that we could do about the fuel levels. because of the warning, they won't be able to pump any diesel today until that is taken care of. ha - glad i have my day off.
Hahaha, look at those BIG GUNS! My legs could take them. We will have to have a fight when I get back. And well maybe with the 80's fashion coming back so will tucking in shirts, you are such a trend setter.
i don't know about that facial hair though ryan . .. that's not setting any trends.
Wow... the fuel dock sounds pretty stinkin exciting! And I am seriously scared of those guns! Although planting has given me some ammunition of my own! But I'm just wondering when the wedding is scheduled for... do you want me to be the ring photographer?
What! you deleted my post! How rude, haha.
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