this first one is Braxton, she is about 4 i think, going on 16. she is a little diva with an attitude, and takes so much after her young mom. isn't she cute?

this little one is Aitza - a little spanish beauty, who spoke very little english. she knew the word "nice" and used it alot. she is about 3 - and given to fits of screaming when she is misunderstood. she just likes to hear her voice :)

it has been hard being back at Capernwray . . . back to the small community - and i feel threatened to return to where I was before. But God showed me so much in Seattle . . . He was so evident to me, and my faith was almost tangible. I have never felt so at peace with God . . . and it has been a battle since then. Someone recently reminded me that "you haven't truly learned the lesson until you put it to practice in your life" and that is so true . . . so i am struggling to learn these lessons. I'm thanking God that He is so faithful, and patient with me as I learn to surrender more and more to Him every day. What a good God we serve!
Happy Easter to you all - He is Risen indeed! (He has saved us from the penalty of sin, and is daily saving us from the power of sin . . . the victory is already won my friends!)
1 comment:
hey so i was randomly reading your blog again, and realized you had responded back to me on there! so i'm responding again on here for you! so how goes everything.. how was the year at capernwray.. now that's it's over what will you be doing? what are you plans this summer? When are you going to come visit me in edmonton.. it's been two years since i last saw you! i'll be done university already this decembeR! time has just flown by. i'll be spending this summer working for alberta winter games as a games assistant! so we'll see what happens .. i'm seeing if i will ever come visit victoria!
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